Posts tagged LAtherapy
Weight Watchers

There has been a lot of uproar lately about the new Weight Watchers — Kurbo app, designed for children and adolescents 8-17 to promote weight-loss, calorie counting (via the “points system”) and a “healthier lifestyle.”

I absolutely want us to educate, inspire, and support children from a young age to live their healthiest lives. However, being a chubby child who dieted all my childhood and young adult life, and now being an eating disorder professional (psychotherapist), I think it’s important to do some education on the damage of this philosophy behind “weight-loss.” I’ve seen it first hand, and it’s been proven again and again, that childhood weight-loss efforts can lead to or often worsen disordered eating and body image issues!  

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Feel Your Feelings

I know that it's difficult to do, however, you MUST MUST MUST feel your feelings. ⠀

Trust me, I'm a professional #lol

But in all seriousness, your emotions are trying to communicate with you.⠀

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Love Your Body

As we move into the summer months, a very popular topic of conversation is body image and being comfortable in one’s skin. The summer months tend to expose a lot of skin, metaphorically and literally, bringing up a lot of vulnerability, self-consciousness, guilt, shame, comparison and more.

I’ve found that body image is a multi layered phenomenon and experience. It is complex, impacts many areas of our lives, and can affect both your mental and physical wellbeing.

In order to have a healthy body image, it is important to identify where you get most of your body image messages.

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There has been a lot of talk lately about change. New seasons, new phases of life, and stepping into new versions of ourselves. Yet change can be terrifying, uncomfortable and most of all unfamiliar. We love to stay comfortable and stagnant because it is EASIER than the alternative, even though change is what we are REALLY wanting. So how do we create change, if we are feeling scared, awkward, confused and helpless? Here are some tips to help you create change in your life.

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